Ants, Flies, lady bugs, and other spring bugs
After being closed up for the duration of the long, cold winter, nothing feels better then being able to open your windows up and enjoy the warm spring breezes while spring cleaning your home. And speaking of spring cleaning, not only does this annual cleaning refresh your home it can actually help to prevent pest infestations from occurring. Cleaning debris, sanitizing surfaces and organizing areas of your home all help to prevent pests from taking over your home all year long.
Spring cleaning the inside of your home can prevent pests such as ants, flies, cockroaches, spiders and mice.
Pest prevention tips for the inside of your home include:
Cleaning your kitchen from top to bottom- Clean crumbs and other debris from underneath and behind large appliances like stoves and refrigerators and be sure to remove any grease build-up along the sides as well. Remove everything from counter tops and sanitize them thoroughly. Clean out cupboards (toss expired or unused items and anything that's packaging looks damaged) and make sure that dry goods are stored in sealed containers before returning them to the cupboards.
Organize the basement, attic and/or other storage spaces- These areas may not get a whole lot of traffic throughout the year so spring-cleaning time is the perfect excuse to clear out clutter and then organize the items you are keeping in durable plastic containers with lids.
Pay special attention to windows and doors- When cleaning around windows and doors check to make sure there are no gaps around them and if any are present caulk or otherwise seal any openings. When changing out your storm windows for screens thoroughly inspect them to make sure the screens are completely intact; if they are not they should be replaced or repaired.
If you discover while spring cleaning that you have ants in the house or another pest problem, or would just like to get help to prevent future infestations Barrier Pest Control will target those pests that try to come indoors uninvited. Our services are specifically designed to eliminate your current pest problem(s) and will also inhibit pests from seeking refuge in your home in the future. Our residential pest control program starts with an initial visit where we will make complete a thorough inspection of your home, followed by an initial service visit where the perimeter of your structure will be treated along with the interior to completely eliminate your current pest problem. After the initial visit and treatment we will return every other month focusing on the exterior of your home in order to find and prevent other pests before they succeed in entering your home. The regular every other month service visits include:
Inspection and spot treatment where necessary of the exterior of your home.
Check and refill rodent bait stations (if applicable).
Inspection of all possible pest entry points including around windows and doors and treatment where activity is observed.
Inspection of miscellaneous areas around your home such as sheds, garages and decks and treatment if necessary.
If indoor treatment is ever needed during a regular service visit it can be arranged with you to coincide with your schedule to ensure the least amount of disturbance to your day.
If you notice that you have a pest problem while spring-cleaning Barrier Pest Control can help. We will be happy to assist you in the removal of any unwanted houseguests, and go over pest prevention tips and treatment to take the stress of pest control off of your shoulders so that all you have to worry about is enjoying the warm spring weather!